The Candle of Hope ceremony is a feature of Relay for Life and everyone in the community is invited to attend on 17th June at 10pm in Tim Smythe Park. Hundreds of candle bags that have been personalised with messages of hope and remembrance are lit during a moving ceremony involving music and speeches.
You can purchase a candle bag to dedicate to someone you know that has been touched by cancer, those that have survived and those that are no longer with us.
Buy a bag for €5 and decorate it at Relay for Life Ennis from 2pm-6pm on 17th June or you can purchase bags to decorate before the event at the following local outlets to be confirmed or order online now.
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Copyright | Relay For Life Ennis, c/o Irish Cancer Society, 43-45 Northumberland Road, DO4 VX65 | Phone: 00353866019829 | CHY5863